Heterotopic ossification (HO) is a frequent complication after significant burns and is associated with significant morbidity. The purpose of our study was to explore the effects of Anabotulinum toxin A (BoNT-A) and its effects on the development of HO in an established mouse model. Our hypothesis was that BoNT-A is able to prevent HO in a burn mouse model.
Using an established burn tenotomy model, HO was induced on two groups of mice. The two groups received with BoNT-A or saline at regular intervals. At the end of the time interval, right hindleg was analyzed with micro-CT. One-way ANOVA was used to calculate differences between groups. Statistical significance was defined as a P-value less than 0.05
In the burn-tenotomy model, HO developed at the joints proximal and distal to the area of tenotomy. Among the groups, the BoNT-A group had a lower volume of HO when compared to the saline injection group (P< 0.01). When stratifying between the development of HO at the tenotomy site and proximally, the BoNT-A group developed less HO in both areas (P<0.01)
BoNT-A in an established model of heterotopic ossification development in burns was able to decrease the amount of HO that developed. The implications of this study allow for a novel indication for BoNT-A in treating HO in burns. Further studies will have to be performed for specific indications of Botox in treating HO and translation to human subjects.