PURPOSE: Although aesthetic surgery is an integral component of plastic surgery residency training, exposure is often limited at academic medical centers. As such, having a dedicated aesthetics curriculum is crucial. We aim to describe our institution’s unique Plastic Surgery Aesthetic Surgery Curriculum (PSASC) and to assess the value added for our residents.
METHODS: We designed a novel PSASC, including lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on skills labs. Residents were surveyed on their comfort level with performing various aesthetic procedures.
RESULTS: The PSASC includes 11 modules: Modules 1-2: Botulinum Toxin, Modules 3-6: Fillers (including upper, middle and lower thirds of the face, and hand rejuvenation), Module 7: Lasers, Module 8: Chemical Peels, Skin Care, Module 9: Cryolipolysis, Deoxycholic Acid, Modules 10-11: Outpatient Surgical Techniques and Threading. Modules 1 to 6 have been completed so far. Of residents who completed our survey (18/21,86%), 31% indicated aesthetic surgery as their intended fellowship. Residents were most comfortable or confident with Botox to the frontalis(94%), corrugators(100%), filler to the cheek(56%), and nasolabial fold(56%), and less comfortable with Botox to the orbicularis oculi(44%), and filler to undereye(38%), and lip(38%). All respondents found the PSASC to be a valuable addition to their training, and 75% said they would not have had exposure to injectables without this curriculum.
CONCLUSION: Designing and implementing a comprehensive aesthetic surgery curriculum in skills lab is feasible and provides significant value for residents. Future skills labs will focus on implementation of modules 7-11. Acknowledgements: Thanks to volunteer faculty members Drs. Rebecca Small and Jane Weston.