Back to 2024 Abstracts
The Longevity Of Post-explantation Symtom Improvement And Potential Etiologies- No Capsulectomy Study And Psychological Study
Caroline Glicksman Glicksman, MD, MSJ;
Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine, Sea Girt, NJ, USA
Caroline Glicksman, MD, MSJ and Patricia McGuire, MD
Systemic Symptoms Associated with Breast Implants: Results of no capsulectomy study and interdisciplinary psychological study
Purpose: Our previous prospective study compared patients with systemic symptoms they attribute to their breast implants to two control groups. The analysis of peripheral blood and implant capsules failed to show consistent differences between the cohorts. In our initial study, at least some capsule tissue was removed; this study no capsule tissue was removed during explant or revision. We also sought to determine if SSBI patients fit into the category of medically unexplained symptoms. Online psychological questionnaires were completed by SSBI patients and two control cohorts.
Methods: Eligible subjects underwent explantation or revision and replacement without capsulectomy. Three cohorts of patients completed an online psychological questionnaire to determine if there are differences between these groups that might contribute to the development of systemic symptoms.
Results: At 6 months there was no statistical difference in reduction of symptoms based on the type of capsulectomy performed, en bloc, total, partial or no capsulectomy. The psychological questionnaire preliminary data suggests that subjects fit into the category of Medically Unexplained Symptoms.
Conclusions: Patients who self-report SSBI improve regardless of the type of capsulectomy. (Results of psychological study TBD by time of spring meeting).
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