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American Association of Plastic Surgeons

87th Annual Meeting and Aesthetic Symposium
April 5-8, 2008
Fairmont Copley/Back Bay Events Center
Boston, Massachusetts

7:00 am
Continental Breakfast
Back Bay Events Center: Freedom
7:45 am - 5:00 pm
SYMPOSIUM: Aesthetic Surgery: In-Depth With the Masters
Back Bay Events Center: Back Bay Grand
7:45 am
Announcements and Introduction
8:00 am
Aesthetic Contouring of the Craniofacial Skeleton
Michael Yaremchuk, MD
9:00 am
Forehead & Face Rejuvenation
Tim Marten, MD
10:00 am
Coffee Break
10:30 am
Periorbital Rejuvenation
Glenn Jelks, MD
11:30 am
Extended SMAS Face & Neck Rejuvenation
James Stuzin, MD
12:30 pm
Lunch Break
1:30 pm
Volumetric Face & Neck Rejuvenation
William Little, MD
2:30 pm
Coffee Break
3:00 pm
Breast Augmentation
Dennis Hammond, MD
4:00 pm
Breast Reduction & Mastopexy
Elizabeth Hall-Findlay, MD
5:00 pm
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Back Bay Events Center: Freedom

7:00 am
Continental Breakfast
8:00 am - 12:30 pm
SYMPOSIUM: Aesthetic Surgery: In-Depth With the Masters
Back Bay Events Center: Back Bay Grand
8:00 am
Peter Fodor, MD
9:00 am
Secondary and Ethnic Rhinoplasty
Rod Rohrich, MD
10:00 am
Coffee Break
10:30 am
Primary Rhinoplasty, The Recent Thoughts
Bahman Guyuron, MD
11:30 am
Post-Bariatric Body Contouring
Dennis Hurwitz, MD
12:30 pm
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Welcome Reception
Fenway Park: EMC Club

7:00 am
Continental Breakfast
7:00 am
New Member Breakfast
8:00 am
Welcome & Introduction

Susan E. Mackinnon, MD
Sumner A. Slavin, MD
Local Arrangements Committee
William M. Kuzon, MD
Chair, Program Committee
8:15 am
Introduction of New Members
David L. Larson, Secretary
8:30 am
James Barrett Brown Award and Presentation
Introduced by: Bahman Guyuron, MD
8:45 am
Clinician of the Year
Introduced by: Susan E. Mackinnon, MD
9:05 am
Honorary and Distinguished Fellow Awards
Introduced by: James W. May, Jr., MD, Chair, Honors Committee
9:20 am
Announcement of AAPS Academic Scholar
Charles E. Butler, MD, Acting Chair, Research and Education Committee
9:25 am
Presentation of 2007 Leonard R. Rubin – AAPS Award Paper
Introduced by: Raymond F. Morgan, MD, President-Elect
9:30 am
Coffee Break
9:50 am
Murray Lecturer

Professor Jeff Lichtman
Cambridge, MA
10:50 am
Presidential Address

Susan E. Mackinnon, MD
Introduced by: Joseph G. McCarthy, MD
11:40 am
ADJOURN for Lunch
1:00 pm
AACPS Panel: Is Plastic Surgery Training Failing Plastic Surgery?
Moderator: Rod J. Rohrich, MD
Panelists: What Our Trainees Didn't Learn From Us But Wish They Had
Steve Kasten, MD

Vital Role of Cosmetic Surgery Training- Is It Enough
C. Lin Puckett, MD

Regaining Interest/Expertise in Reconstructive Surgery Training- Why It Is Vital For PS
Nicholas B. Vedder, MD
Scientific Session I: RESEARCH
2:00 pm
1. A Mechanism For Liporemodeling Through Manipulation of the NPY2 Receptor
Stephen B. Baker, MD, DDS, Michael Cohen, MD, Ali Al-Attar, MD, PhD, Lydia Kuo, PhD, Michael Johnson, PhD, Zofia Zukowska, MD, PhD.
Georgetown University, Washington, DC
2:15 pm
2. A Dietary Approach for Treating Hemangioendotheliomas
Gayle Gordillo, MD, Huiqing Fang, MD, Sashwati Roy, PhD, Chandan K. Sen, PhD.
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
2:30 pm
3. A Novel Biomarker for the Detection of Recurrent or Occult Breast Cancer in a Previously Reconstructed Breast with Silicone Implants
Raj S. Ambay, MD, DDS, Richard B. Halberg, PhD, Joseph Grudzinski, MS, Catherine G. Gard, MS, Matthew Christensen, MS, Scott B. Reeder, MD, PhD, Karol A. Gutowski, MD, Jamey P. Weichert, PhD.
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
2:45 pm
4. Simulating Osteotomies with Porous Alloplastic Implants -Rationale, Technique and Long Term Results
Michael J. Yaremchuk, M.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
3:00 pm
Coffee Break
3:30 pm

Letting Go of What’s Holding You Back
Wayne Sotile, PhD
Scientific Session II: TRUNK & EXTREMITY
4:30 pm
6. Long-Term Outcomes Of Proximal Row Carpectomy - 15 Year Follow-Up Results
Steven L. Moran, MD, Mir H. Ali, MD. PhD.
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
4:45 pm
7. Barbed Suture Tenorrhaphy: An Ex-Vivo Biomechanical Analysis
Pranay M. Parikh, MD1, Steven P. Davison, DDS, MD1, James P. Higgins, MD2.
1Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, USA, 2Curtis National Hand Center, Baltimore, MD
5:00 pm
8. Seventy-Five Venous Flaps Transplanted to the Hand: As Reliable as Conventional Microvascular Transplants, Possibly Better
Darrell Brooks, MD, Rudolf F. Buntic, MD.
California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA
5:15 pm
9. Refinements in Pollicization: An Experience with 312 Hands
Amir H. Taghinia, M.D.1, J. William Littler, M.D.2, Joseph Upton, M.D.1.
1Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, 2Roosevelt Hospital, New York, NY
5:30 pm
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

P1. Chin Ptosis: The Unabridged Version
Barry M. Zide, DMD, MD, Evan S. Garfein, MD.
NYU, New York, NY, USA.

P2. Examination of Factors Impacting Reimbursement for Abdominoplasty
Michele A. Shermak, M.D., Shelly Choo, B.S., Jessie Mallalieu, P.A.-C, Catherine Oldencamp, B.A., David Chang, Ph.D., MPH, MBA.
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA.

P3. Treatment of Dynamic and Static Nasal Tip Deficiency
Kevin Kunkle, M.D., Kasra Adham, Mehdi N. Adham, M.D., F.A.C.S.
University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, USA.

P4. Intraoperative Use of Bupivacaine for Tumescent Liposuction: The Robert Wood Johnson Experience
Colin Failey, M.D., Rahul Vemula, B.S., Gregory L. Borah, M.D., Henry C. Hsia, M.D.
UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.

P5. Prospective Analysis of Long-Term Psychosocial Outcomes in Breast Reconstruction: Two-Year Postoperative Results from the Michigan Breast Reconstruction Outcomes Study
Dunya M. Atisha, M.D.1, Amy K. Alderman, M.D., M.P.H.1, Julie Lowery, PhD2, Latoya E. Kuhn, M.P.H.2, Jenny Davis, MHSA2, Edwin G. Wilkins, M.D., M.S.1.
1University of Michigan, Department of Surgery, Section of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 2VA, HSR&D, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.

P6. The Financial Impact of Breast Reconstruction on an Academic Surgical Practice
Amy K. Alderman, MD, MPH, Amy Storey, MPP, Kevin Chung, MD, MS.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.

P7. The Efficacy of the Surgical Delay Procedure in Pedicle TRAM Reconstruction
Dunya M. Atisha, M.D.1, Amy K. Alderman, M.D., M.P.H.1, Tim Janiga, M.D.2, Edwin G. Wilkins, M.D., M.S.1.
1University of Michigan, Department of Surgery, Section of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 2The University of Toledo Medical Center, Department of Surgery, Toledo, OH, USA.

P8. The Missing Link in Nipple Reconstruction is the Areola
John B. McCraw, M.D1, Shushan Jacob, M.D.1, Lawrence Colen, M.D.2, Guy T. Jones, M.D.2, Virginia Huang, M.D.3, Jacqueline Murray, R.N.4, Ann Meng, C.S.T4, Anne Cramer, M.D.5.
1The University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, USA, 2Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA, USA, 3Private practice, Vancouver, WA, USA, 4Private practice, Norfolk, VA, USA, 5Private Practice, Davenport, IA, USA.

P9. Free Flap Breast Reconstruction in Advanced Age: Is it Safe?
Jesse C. Selber, MD, MPH, Meredith Bergey, MA, Seema S. Sonnad, PhD, Joseph M. Serletti, MD.
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

P10. Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and Immediate Reconstruction: Experience with 54 Consecutive Cases
Joseph J. Disa, MD, Constance M. Chen, MD, Babak J. Mehrara, MD, Andrea L. Pusic, MD, Virgilio Sacchini, MD, Colleen McCarthy, Peter G. Cordeiro, MD.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA.

P11. Outcomes Study: Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenic Protein-2 (rhBMP-2) Augmentation in 179 Facial Cleft Repairs and 24 Craniofacial Reconstructions
Michael H. Carstens, M.D., Michael A. Fallucco, MD.
Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center, Saint Louis, MO, USA.

P12. Reviewing 17 Years of Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis with a New Stratified Surgical Complication Reporting System
Stephen M. Warren, MD, Pradip Shetye, DDS, Roberto Flores, MD, Barry H. Grayson, DDS, Joseph G. McCarthy, MD.
New York Universtiy Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.

P13. A ten-year, two-institution review of pediatric dog attacks: Advocating for a nationwide prohibition of dangerous dogs
William Huettner, M.D.1, Jugpal S. Arneja, MD, FRCSC1, Kara Pappas, B.S.1, Arlene A. Rozzelle, M.D.1, Gurbalbir Singh, M.D., FRCSC2.
1Children's Hospital of Michigan/Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA, 2University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

P14. A Review of Costo-Chondral Arthroplasty for TMJ Reconstruction
Douglas J. Courtemanche, MD, MS, FRCSC.
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

P15. Assessment of Airway Changes Following Midface Distraction for Syndromic Craniosynostosis: A Clinical and Cephalometric Study
Roberto L. Flores, MD, Pradip R. Shetye, DDS, Daniel Zietler, MD, Joseph Berstein, MD, Edwin Wang, MD, Stephen M. Warren, MD, Barry H. Grayson, DDS, Joseph G. McCarthy, MD.
New York University, New York, NY, USA.

P16. Outcomes of Primary Palatoplasty and Secondary Pharyngeal Flap in Non-syndromic Patients with Cleft lip/Palate or Cleft Palate
Stephen R. Sullivan, MD1, Eileen M. Marrinan, MS, MPH2, Gary F. Rogers, MD, JD, MPH, MBA1, John B. Mulliken, MD1.
1Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, 2Upstate Medical University Hospital, Syracuse, NY, USA.

P17. Patterns and Outcomes of Hospital Admissions for Pediatric Facial Trauma in the United States: a Survey of the National Trauma Data Bank.
Scott D. Imahara, MD, Richard A. Hopper, MD, MS, Jin Wang, PhD, Frederick P. Rivara, MD, MPH, Matthew B. Klein, MD.
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.

P18. Options for Reconstruction in Patients Presenting with Möebius Syndrome
Alex CS Woollard, BM BSc MRCS, Adriaan O. Grobbelaar, FRCS (plast), Douglas H. Harrison, FRCS (plast).
The Royal Free Hospital, London, United Kingdom.

P19. The Impact of Reconstructive Microsurgery in Patients With Advanced Oral Cavity Cancers
Matthew M. Hanasono, M.D., Michael Friel, M.D., Christopher Klem, M.D., Patrick Hsu, M.D., Randal S. Weber, M.D., David W. Chang, M.D.
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA.

P20. Reconstruction of Extensive Head and Neck Defects With Multiple Simultaneous Free Flaps
Matthew M. Hanasono, M.D., Y. Etan Weinstock, M.D., Peirong Yu, M.D.
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA.

P21. Use of Component Separation in Complex Ventral Hernia Repair
Melissa Poh, MD1, Rebecca Petersen, MD2, Keki Balsara, MD2, Theodore Pappas, MD2.
1Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA; 2Duke University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA.

P22. The Teaching Perspectives of Plastic Surgeons
Douglas J. Courtemanche, MD, MS, FRCSC, Peter A. Lennox, MD, FRCSC, John Collins, PhD.
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

P23. Efficacy and Safety of Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Highest Risk Plastic Surgery Patients
Mitchel Seruya, MD, Steven P. Davison, DDS, MD.
Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, USA.

P24. J.F.S. Esser’s Grand Conception of Structive Surgery: As the Foundation for Modern Flap Surgery
Shushan Jacob, M.D.1, John B. McCraw, M.D.1, David Black, M.D.2.
1University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, USA, 2University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN, USA.

P25. Survey on current attitudes towards composite tissue allotransplantation in North America
Emilia A. Ploplys, MD, David W. Mathes, MD.
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.

P26. Composite Tissue Allotransplantation at 50 Years: Outcome Analysis and Ethical Lessons
Gordon R. Tobin, MD, Suzanne T. Ildstad, MD, Joseph F. Buell, MD, Martin M. Klapheke, MD, Warren C. Breidenbach, MD.
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA.

P27. Functional Imaging of Patients Undergoing Free Tissue Transfer
Sharon E. Fox, AB, Stephanie A. Caterson, MD, Sumner A. Slavin, MD, Adam M. Tobias, MD, Bernard T. Lee, MD, Joseph Upton, III, MD.
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA.

P28. Vibration-Induced Nerve Injury and Recovery in a Rat Tail Model
Michael A. Loffredo, MD, Dennis Kao, MD, Ji-Geng Yan, MD, PhD, Danny A. Riley, PhD, Lin-Ling Zhang, MD, Hani S. Matloub, MD.
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA.

P29. In Utero Delivery of Virally Encoded TGF-beta3 Rescues Cleft Palate in the TGF-beta3 Knockout Mouse
Ryan M. Spivak, M.S.1, Masayuki Endo, M.D., PhD.2, Allison Zajac, B.S.1, Philip W. Zoltick, M.D.2, Gregory E. Lakin, M.D.1, Alan W. Flake, M.D.2, Richard E. Kirschner, M.D.3, Hyun-Duck Nah, DMD, PhD.1.
1University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Craniofacial Biology Lab, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2The Children's Center for Fetal Research, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 3University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

P30. Enhancement of Neural Regeneration of Peripheral Nerve Defects by Donor Derived Bone Marrow Stromal Cells
William M. Duggan, MD, Christopher Grykien, Aleksandra Klimczak, PhD, Dileep Nair, MD, Maria Siemionow, MD, PhD, MSc.
The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA.

P31. Immunotherapy with Donor Bone Marrow Supports Facial Allograft Survival by Presence of Regulatory CD4+/CD25+ T-Cell
Aleksandra Klimczak, PhD, Mehmet B. Unal, MD, Yavuz Demir, MD, Maria Siemionow, MD, PhD.
The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA.

P32. Hydrogen Sulfide is a Cytoprotectant in a Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell (HUVEC) Model of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Sunil P. Singh, BA, Daniel C. Rafii, BA, Jason A. Spector, MD.
Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY, USA.

P33. Is The Reverse Flow Fasciocutaneous Flaps Appropriate Option For The Reconstruction of Severe Postburn Lower Extremitiy Contractures?
Fatih Uygur, Assistant Professor, Haluk Duman, Associated Professor, Ersin Ülkür, Associated Professor, Bahattin Çeliköz, Professor, Celalettin Sever, Resident.
Gülhane Military Medical Academy Haydarpa Training Hospital Plastic surgery and Burn unit, Istanbul, Turkey

P34. Successful Surgical Approach to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
A Lee Dellon, MD, PhD, Gedge D. Rosson, MD.
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.

P35. The Modified V-Y Dorsal Metacarpal Flap for Repair of Syndactyly Without Skin Graft: Fifty Consecutive Cases
Vivian M. Hsu, BA, James M. Smartt, Jr., MD, Benjamin Chang, MD.
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

7:00 am
Continental Breakfast
7:00 am
Past President's Breakfast
Scientific Session III: AESTHETIC
8:00 am
10. Traditional Lower Blepharoplasty: A 30 Year Review. Is Additional Eyelid Support Necessary?
Terry R. Maffi, M.D.1, Shiliang Chang, M.D.2, Jack A. Friedland, M.D.1.
1Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA, 2Maricopa Medical Center, Phoneix, AZ
8:15 am
11. A Placebo Controlled Surgical Trial for the Treatment of Migraine Headaches
Bahman Guyuron, MD1, Deborah Reed, MD2, Jennifer Kriegler, MD3, Janine Davis, RN1, Saeid Amini, MBA, JD, PhD1.
1Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA, 2The American Migraine Center, Cleveland, OH, USA, 3Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
8:30 am
12. Thighplasty after Massive Weight Loss: A Description of Technique and an Analysis of Outcomes
Michele A. Shermak, M.D., Jessie Mallalieu, P.A.-C, David Chang, Ph.D., MPH, MBA.
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
8:45 am
13. Plastic Surgeons Who Perform Aesthetic Surgery on Spouses or Other Family Members
Sara Slavin, B.A.1, Sumner A. Slavin, MD2, Robert M. Goldwyn, M.D.2.
1Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Scientific Session IV: HEAD & NECK / OTHER
9:00 am
14. Free Functional Muscle Transfer For Facial Paralysis - 500 Cases Later
Adriaan O. Grobbelaar, MBChB, MMed(Plast) FRCS(Plast), Douglas H. Harrison, FRCS.
Royal Free Hospital, LONDON, United Kingdom
9:15 am
15. Long Term Outcomes Of Free Muscle Transfer For Smile Reanimation
Julia K. Terzis, M.D., Ph.D.1, Fatima Olivares, M.D.2.
1Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA, USA, 2MRC, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA
9:30 am
16. The Marriage of Cover, Lining, and Support: The Three Stage Full Thickness Forehead Flap
Frederick J. Menick, MD.
St Joseph's Hospital, Tucson, AZ
9:45 am
17. Gunshot Wounds to the Face: A Ten Year County Hospital Experience
John Brian Boyd, MD, Clifford Pereira, MD, Brian Dickinson, MD, Brant Putnam, MD.
Harbor-UCLA, Torrance, CA
10:00 am
Coffee Break
10:15 am
Introduction of EURAPS Officers
Presentation of EURAPS Award Paper

"Living a New Face": Prospective Functional Assessment of the First Human Face Allograft

Benoit Lengele, Sylvie Testelin, Stéphanie Dakpe, Cédric D' Hauthuille, Angela Sirigu, Bernard Devauchelle
Brussels, Belgium and Amiens, France
10:30 am
AAPS/Hoopes Academic Scholar Presentation
Neurotrophic Factor-Induced Modulation of Preferential Motor Reinnervation

Terence M. Myckatyn, M.D.
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
Scientific Session V: CRANIOFACIAL/PEDS
10:45 am
18. Early Surgical Management of Lip Hemangiomas: Fifteen Year Experience With 214 Cases
Wai-Yee Li, MD1, Sheryl Lewin, MD2, John F. Reinisch, MD2.
1Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
11:00 am
19. Frontal-Basilar Injury: A Novel Treatment Algorithm Based on Anatomical Fracture Pattern & Failure of Conventional Techniques
Eduardo D. Rodriguez, M.D., D.D.S, Matthew G. Stanwix, M.D., Arthur J. Nam, M.D, M.S., Hugo St. Hilaire, M.D., D.D.S, Oliver P. Simmons, M.D., Michael P. Grant, M.D., Paul N. Manson, M.D.
University of Maryland-R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Baltimore, MD
11:15 am
20. Primary Alveolar Cleft Repair with Alveolar Molding, Gingivoperiosteoplasty and rhBMP-2
James P. Bradley, M.D., Navanjun Grewal, MD, PhD, Reza Jarrahy, MD.
University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
11:30 am
21. Outcomes of the Furlow Palatoplasty for Secondary Management of Velopharyngeal Incompetence: Which Cases Fare Best?
Arun K. Gosain, M.D.1, Yashar Eshraghi, M.D.1, Dennis Kao, M.D.2, Seree Iamphongsai, M.D.1.
1University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, USA, 2Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
11:45 am
22. Predictable Patterns of Intracranial and Cervical Spine Injury in Craniomaxillofacial Trauma: Analysis of 4,786 Patients
Suhail K. Mithani, MD1, Hugo St-Hilaire, DDS, MD1, Rachel Bluebond-Langner, MD1, Benjamin S. Brooke, MD1, Ian M. Smith, MD1, Paul N. Manson, MD1, Eduardo D. Rodriguez, DDS, MD2.
1Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Baltimore, MD
12:00 pm
23. Pfeiffer Syndrome : A Treatment Outcome Analysis
Jeffrey A. Fearon, MD, Jennifer L. Rhodes, M.D.
The Craniofacial Center, Dallas, Dallas, TX
Business Meeting Luncheon
Scientific Session VI: BREAST / OTHER
1:45 pm
24. Improving Access To Care: An Operational And Financial Analysis Of Service-Based Interventions To Optimize Patient Throughput In An Academic Plastic Surgery Practice
C Scott Hultman, MD, MBA1, Wendell Gilland, PhD2, Jennifer Lord3, Carol Williams, RN3, Mary Lee Baker, RN3, James Pichert, PhD4, Samuel Weir, MD3, Anthony A. Meyer, MD, PhD3.
1University of North Carolina, School of Medicine and Kenan-Flagler Business School, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler Business School, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 3University of North Carolina, School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 4Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN
2:00 pm
25. Perforator Patterns of the Anterolateral Thigh (ALT) Flap: from a Single Surgeon’s Experience of 207 Free Flaps in the US
Peirong Yu, M.D., M.S.
University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
2:15 pm
26. Patient Satisfaction with Breast Reconstruction: A Comparison of Saline and Silicone Implants
Colleen M. McCarthy, MD, S Cano, MD, A Klassen, MD, A M. Scott, MD, A K. Alderman, MD, P A. Lennox, MD, B M. Mehrara, MD, J D. Disa, MD, P G. Cordeiro, MD, A P. Pusic, MD.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
2:30 pm
27. How Does Reconstructive Surgery Impact the Timing of Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer? Results from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
Amy K. Alderman, MD, MPH1, E. Dale Collins, MD, MS2, Anne Schott, MD1, Melissa Hughes, MSc3, Rebecca Ottesen, MS3, Richard Theriault, DO, MBA4, Yu-Ning Wong, MD5, Jane C. Weeks, MD3, Joyce C. Niland, PhD6, Steve Edge, MD7.
1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 2Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, USA, 3Harvard, Boston, MA, USA, 4MD Anderson, Houston, TX, USA, 5Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 6City of Hope, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 7Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY
2:45 pm
Coffee Break
Scientific Session VII: BREAST
3:00 pm
28. Comparing the Functional Impact of the Muscle Sparing Free TRAM, DIEP and SIEA on the Abdominal Wall
Jesse C. Selber, MD, MPH1, Vivian Hsu, MD1, Mirar Bristol, MA1, Seema S. Sonnad, PhD1, Jesse Goldstein, MD, MPH2, Joseph M. Serletti, MD1.
1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2Georgetown University, Georgetown, DC
3:15 pm
29. Perforator Number Predicts Fat Necrosis in a Prospective Analysis of Breast Reconstruction with Free TRAM, DIEP and SIEA Flaps
Donald P. Baumann, MD, Yan H. Lin, Ph.D., Pierre M. Chevray, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
3:30 pm
30. Lipoaspirate Transplant To Treat Breast Conservative Treatment Side Effects:Evaluation Of The Risk To Develop Calcifications
Gino Rigotti, M.D.1, Alessandra Marchi, MD1, Stefania Montemezzi, MD1, Mirco Galiè, MD2, Alessandro Battistoni, MD1, Andrea Sbarbati, MD2.
1Azienda Ospedaliera Verona-Italy, Verona, Italy, 2Università di Verona, Verona, Italy.
3:45 pm
31. Minimally Invasive Autologous Total Breast Reconstruction by External Expansion and Serial Lipografting: A preliminary Experience
Roger Khouri, MD1, Gino Rigotti, M.D.2, Thomas J. Baker, M.D.3.
1Miami Plastic surgery Center, Key Biscayne, FL; 2University of Verona, Verona, Italiy; 3University of Miami
4:00 pm
Panel: The Future of Plastic Surgery
Moderator: William M. Kuzon, Jr., MD
Panelists: The Future of Hand Surgery
W.P. Andrew Lee, MD

The Future of Craniofacial Surgery
Christopher R. Forrest, MD

The Future of Aesthetic Breast Surgery
Sidney R. Coleman, MD

The Future of Flap Surgery
Peter C. Neligan, MD

The Future of Wound Healing
Paul Y. Liu, MD
5:15 pm
7:00 pm
President's Reception
Venetian Room
8:00 pm
President's Banquet
Grand Ballroom